Tuesday, July 15, 2014

An Important Update From Our Field Agent Ken Basel:

The Knights of Columbus Field Agent Convention wrapped up in Omaha Nebraska, over the weekend. There were many great classes, vendors, and speakers!!!

Two major changes you should know about:

  • A new Accelerator Term Policy was announced.
  • Also, the current Long Term Care Insurance Policy will be changing and the sign up DEADLINE is JULY 21st 2014.

If you've ever thought about or are currently thinking about getting covered with Long Term Care Insurance, please contact me at 815-321-2847 or email me at  Kenneth.Basel@kofc.org

Vivat Jesus!

Ken Basel
Field Agent

Monday, June 30, 2014


St. Mary Church’s Annual “Chari-Tee” golf outing and dinner will be held Saturday, August 23, 2014 at Crystal Woods Golf Club, Routes 47 and 176, in Woodstock. Proceeds from event will benefit our Sister Parish in Leger-Matheux, Haiti.
Cost: $125 
Per Golfer (includes cart, range balls, green fees, awards and dinner)
Dinner Only: $25for additional guest joining us for dinner.  Dinner starts after golf is completed at approximately 6:00 PM.

Please select from below and “Add to Cart” for each choice

Or complete the following registration form and return with your payment, to the sign-up table in the narthex, drop off at the church office, or mail to Rick Summerville, 626 Kendallwood Court, Crystal Lake, IL 60014.
Local businesses interested in sponsoring a hole or donating prizes – Click hereHole Sponsorship form (PDF Download)
Please contact  Rick Summerville with any questions.
Crystal Woods Golf Club
Rt 47, Woodstock, IL
Registration starts at 11:30 AM
Shotgun Start at 12:30 P

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Immediate Past Grand Knight Bill Byrne (left) receives Star Council Award from present Grand Knight Dan Quirk 
The St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666 has earned the distinction of Star Council for the 2011-2012 fraternal year. 

The organization’s headquarters, located in New Haven, Connecticut, made the announcement.  The award recognizes overall excellence in the areas of membership, recruitment and retention, promotion of the fraternal insurance program and sponsorship of service oriented activities. 

“Receiving the Star Council Award is quite an honor for us.  We’re extremely proud of this accomplishment,” proclaimed Past Grand Knight Bill Byrne, under whose leadership the council qualified for this award.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Knights of the Month

Finally caught up and posted our Knights of the Month from March 2012 through September 2012.

Take a look and wish our Brothers well next time you see them!

Click here: St. Mary Huntley Council 11666 Knight of the Month


Knight Guy DeMaertelaere with daughters Sophia (left) and Audrey (right) at the 2012 Soccer Challenge sponsored by the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council # 11666

On Saturday, September 8, 2012, the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council held the annual Soccer Challenge at Deicke Park in Huntley for youth ages 10-14 years.  This event was free to all participants, allowing them to demonstrate their soccer goal kicking skills. 

This event is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district and state competitions.  International champions are announced by the K of C international headquarters based in New Haven, CT, on scores from state level competitions.  All contestants on the local level were recognized for their participation.
The boy’s champions were Duncan Whitfield for the 10 year olds, Zach Rojer for the 11 year olds and Devan Turk was the champion for the 12 year olds. 

For the girls, Grace Kalischefski was the 10 year old champion while Stephanie Varkados was the champion for the 11 year olds with Shannon Pylypowycz as the 12 year old champion and Kaitlyn White was the champion for the 13 year old girls.  Erin Gaitsch was the 14 year old girls champion.

Each of these winners were eligible to compete in the district competitions held at St. Margaret Mary Church in Algonquin, Illinois, on October 14, 2012, with an eye toward moving on to the regional competition which will be held at Tomaso Sports Fields in Huntley at 9AM, Saturday, November 3, 2012.  Then the regional winners will progress to state and hopefully international levels.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Help Huntley Adopt-a-Highway Program

Frances Kreutzer (left front) with St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus and family members who participated in cleaning Kreutzer Road from the entrance to St. Mary’s Catholic Church parking lot west to the railroad tracks.

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus and their families joined together in the Huntley Adopt-a-Highway Program, cleaning the roadway on Kreutzer Road from the Kreutzer Road entrance to the St. Mary’s Catholic Church west to the railroad tracks.  The council will clean this section of roadway twice each year, in April and October.

When the Village of Huntley called local businesses and organizations to participate in the Adopt-a-Highway program, the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666 signed up for the Kreutzer Road segment as part of the council’s service activities supporting the local community.

When asked about the support from the council members, Chairman of this activity for the Knights, Sir Knight Tom Lentz said, “We had great support from my brother Knights and their families.  It was also great that Frances Kreutzer came out to help and visit with the large group that came out.  It is a way for all of us to give back to the community.”

Friday, October 12, 2012

Dear Brother Knight:

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has called on American Catholics to participate in a Rosary Novena for Life and Liberty Oct. 14-22.  Knights and their families, in solidarity with our bishops, are encouraged to unite in this prayer for the defense of human life and religious freedom in the United States and around the world. 

Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore will lead a Mass and Pilgrimage for Life and Liberty at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Sunday, Oct. 14, from 12 to 2:30 p.m. Those in Washington and nearby states who are able to attend are invited to participate in the Mass and Rosary, which will be broadcast by EWTN and other Catholic TV outlets.

More information about the novena and Mass is available at kofc.org/pilgrimage.

Knights are also invited to remain informed on current issues by means of CatholicPulse.com, a news portal operated by the K of C. CatholicPulse.com debuted Oct. 1, replacing Headline Bistro as the Order’s source of national, world and Vatican news for Knights and concerned Catholics. Catholic Pulse also provides thoughtful opinions and articles from top Catholic thinkers to help you understand the Church’s perspective on the issues of our day.

Visit CatholicPulse.com to sign up for daily email updates and remain engaged and informed about the news that affects our lives as Catholics every day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

St. Mary Huntley Knights of Columbus Sponsors Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup

Join the St. Mary's Huntley Knights of Columbus Council 11666 for our Fall  "Adopt-A-Highway" cleanup of Kreutzer Road on Saturday, October 20 starting at 8:00 AM.  

The council has adopted the section of Kreutzer Road between the railroad crossing and Dundee Road, including the section along the south entrance to the St. Mary parking lot.

Look for further updates on this site or contact Tom Lentz at (847)344-5382.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Parish Ministry Groundbreaking Ceremony held Monday, April 16th.

Monsignor Steven J. Knox

El Cardunal Assembly Honor Guard

Bishop Doran (seated) and Fr. Duvall

Father Jon Bakkelund

Bishop Doran

Father Scott Duvall
Fr. Duvall (left), Monsignor Knox (second from left)

Bishop Doran blessed the ground for our new Parish Ministry Center today at the ground-breaking ceremony held at St. Mary Church in Huntley. The Knights of Columbus provided an honor guard for the ceremony.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

St. Mary Huntley Knights of Columbus Blood Drive


The St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666, in cooperation with Heartland Blood Centers will sponsor a blood drive from  8 AM to 12:30 PM on Saturday, July 7th, 2012, at St. Mary Catholic Church located at 10307 Dundee Road in Huntley.  

July's blood drive is the second of the Knight's 2012 Donor Season with subsequent Blood Drives scheduled for successive quarters.
The Knights have sponsored 4 blood drives in 2011 with 396 units of blood being donated last year, including a record 116 units donated at the blood drive held in July of last year.  With the generosity of the Knights, the parishioners of St. Mary’s and their Huntley neighbors, the goal is to exceed 400 units of this gift of life for 2012.  Additional information can be obtained by calling 630-584-1458 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            630-584-1458      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ryan Mavrinac is the 2012 Knights of Columbus Regional Free Throw Champ for 14 year old boys!

Ryan Mavrinac, 2012 Knights of Columbus Regional Free Throw Champion, 14 year-old Boys

On Saturday, March 10, Ryan Mavrinac competed in the 2012 Knights of Columbus Regional Free Throw Competition held at St. Thomas Moore School in Crystal Lake, Illlinois.  At the end of the completion, he was named Regional Champion and is now eligible to compete at the state level.

Ryan competed in the local Free Throw Competition sponsored by the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666 and represented the council at the District Competition, winning the 14 year-old boys bracket.

The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic family fraternal service organization with nearly 1.7 million members in over 13,000 local councils.  Last year, Knights donated 66 million volunteer hours and $144 million in charitable and benevolent causes, sponsoring projects to benefit their church, councils, communities, families and youth.  

Bill Culhane is Knight of The Month for February 2012

Knight Bill Culhane, Knight of the Month, February 2012
At the February meeting of the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666, the trustees selected Bill Culhane as Knight of the Month for February 2012, recognizing work in the parish ministry, Christ Renews His Parish Men’s Renewal Weekend.

For a Catholic man looking to deepen his faith and connection to the parish community, the Christ Renews His Parish renewal weekends are very beneficial. These weekends for Men are offered periodically throughout the year.   The men participating in these weekends, including members of the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council, find their faith being renewed and strengthened.

Bill has devoted much of his time helping with the preparations for the presentations, discussion and the celebration of the sacraments and prayer for the Christ Renews His Parish Men’s Renewal Weekend
For more information on the men's and women's weekends, please contact the St. Mary of Huntley Catholic Church parish office at (847) 669-3137 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (847) 669-3137      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Champions from St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Local Competition Advance at District Competition

Adam Horan, representing St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666 shoots winning basket to become Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship District Champion for the Boys 12 year old bracket at the District Competition held Saturday, February 25 at St. Margaret Mary School in Algonquin.

Knight Jerry O’Sullivan (back row) pictured with St. Mary of Huntley representatives (front row from left) Ryan Mavrinac, Adam Horan, Connor Krohne, Katelyn Weidner at the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship District Competition held February 25 at St. Margaret Mary School in Algonquin.  Ryan Mavrinac was the District Champion for the Boys 14 year old bracket, Adam Horan was District Champion for the Boys 12 year old bracket and Katelyn Weidner was District Champion for the Girls 11 year old bracket.

On Saturday, February 25, 2012, three Knights of Columbus Free Throw Champions from the local competition held by the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council advanced at the District Competition held at St. Margaret Mary School in Algonquin. 

Ryan Mavrinac was the District Champion for the Boys 14 year old bracket, Adam Horan was District Champion for the Boys 12 year old bracket and Katelyn Weidner was District Champion for the Girls 11 year old bracket.

They will compete again at the Regional Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship on Saturday, March 10, 2012 at St. Thomas School in Crystal Lake for a chance to compete at the state level.