Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Welcome new Fourth Degree Knights

Newly Exemplified Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus flanked by Sir Knights Art Jimenez (left) and Dan Quirk (right). From left: Tom Varkados, Domingo Boneta, Bob Westrich, Marty Guzik, and Ted Mellenthin.
On Saturday, October 22nd, five Brother Knights completed their Fourth Degree Exemplification..  Hosted by the Father William Boland Assembly 1702, the event was held at the Rock Falls Hotel, followed by a banquet dinner and award ceremony.

Candidates from St. Mary Huntley Council 11666 were: Domingo Boneta, Marty Guzik, Ted Mellenthin, Tom Varkados, and Bob Westrich.

The Fourth Degree was first considered in 1886 when the order was in its infancy. Several factors contributed to the development of this additional degree: The rapid expansion of the Order across the land, the enthusiasm created by the ceremonials, and activities of the three additional degrees. It is said, however, that a greater impetus to this development was the then prevalent spirit of anti-Catholicism which questioned our loyalty and patriotism and falsely charges us with owing our allegiance to the Pope in Rome and being less loyal and devoted to our country. The establishment of the Fourth Degree, dedicated to the principle of patriotism was resounding rebuttal of such false charges.

The ceremonials of the Fourth Degree are based on a them of Catholic citizenship and detail the contributions made by the Catholic Church to America from its discovery, exploration, and development to its present greatness. Our members are challenged to be always ready to sacrifice everything for our faith and our country. The response of our Order to the needs of our country in times of war attests to the fact that are true to our commitment. From its foundation, the Fourth Degree has provided honor guards for religious and civic ceremonies. Marching in our regalia, with the flag and our country before us, we are clearly identified as individuals who are not afraid to publicly display our devotion to church and country.

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