Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sir Knight Tom Varkados leads The St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council in Honoring the Memory of a Knight Who Perished in the 9/11 Attacks.

Sir Knight Tom Varkados (center) and his wife Kim present a flag to Robert Fitzsimons (right) honoring his brother, Fire Safety Inspector Richard Fitzsimons, who perished in the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York 10 years ago, while Tom’s daughters Olivia (left) and Stephanie next to Mom, Kim, look on, during a ceremony held at St. Mary of Huntley Church October 11, 2011.

At a ceremony held at St. Mary of Huntley Catholic Church on October 11, 2011, local resident and Knight Tom Varkados and his family led the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666 in honoring Fire Safety Inspector Richard Fitzsimons, who perished in the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York 10 years ago.  The Knights presented a flag which was part of the Carpentersville Healing Memorial Field where flags dedicated to those who perished in the attacks 10 years ago.  The flag was presented to Richard’s brother, Sun City resident and St. Mary’s parishioner, Robert Fitzsimons.
Tom and his wife, Kim, personally knew someone lost in the attack.  At the presentation, Tom spoke of his family remembering those lost in the 9/11 attacks.  .
“My family, like many of you, learned of Richard’s life and accomplishments as  Bob spoke lovingly, and proudly of him, at the 9/11 Commemorative Mass here at St Mary.
As Bob spoke, there were few dry eyes in the Church, including mine, and when he was through, those present afforded him a well-deserved standing ovation for sharing with us the love and pride he has for his brother.
Later that day, we visited the Carpentersville Healing Memorial Field, and saw an impressive display of over 2000 American flags, dedicated to those fallen on 9/11. Each flag had a placard with the honoree’s name and some few nice words about them. We looked for and found Richard’s flag and this is what his placard said:
Richard Fitzsimons kept his Irish roots well watered. For him, a visit to Ireland was going home, said Colleen, his daughter. He last saw Dublin in the summer, when he ate, drank, and danced for 13 hours to celebrate a niece’s wedding. At home, he kept busy. In his job as a fire safety inspector at the World Trade Center, he conducted drills and planned evacuations. He was, Ms. Fitzsimons said, almost certainly “saving people right from the start.”
When the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993, it took nearly nine hours to evacuate both towers, a timeframe to act no one was afforded on 9/11. I think we would all agree that Richard’s preparation and planning in the time leading up to the second attack may have indeed saved un-told thousands of lives.
Richard was also a Brother Knight in the Third Degree, so it’s with that spirit of brotherhood, it gives me great pleasure to present this Commemorative Flag to Robert and his family on behalf of the St. Mary Knights of Columbus.”

Welcome new Fourth Degree Knights

Newly Exemplified Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus flanked by Sir Knights Art Jimenez (left) and Dan Quirk (right). From left: Tom Varkados, Domingo Boneta, Bob Westrich, Marty Guzik, and Ted Mellenthin.
On Saturday, October 22nd, five Brother Knights completed their Fourth Degree Exemplification..  Hosted by the Father William Boland Assembly 1702, the event was held at the Rock Falls Hotel, followed by a banquet dinner and award ceremony.

Candidates from St. Mary Huntley Council 11666 were: Domingo Boneta, Marty Guzik, Ted Mellenthin, Tom Varkados, and Bob Westrich.

The Fourth Degree was first considered in 1886 when the order was in its infancy. Several factors contributed to the development of this additional degree: The rapid expansion of the Order across the land, the enthusiasm created by the ceremonials, and activities of the three additional degrees. It is said, however, that a greater impetus to this development was the then prevalent spirit of anti-Catholicism which questioned our loyalty and patriotism and falsely charges us with owing our allegiance to the Pope in Rome and being less loyal and devoted to our country. The establishment of the Fourth Degree, dedicated to the principle of patriotism was resounding rebuttal of such false charges.

The ceremonials of the Fourth Degree are based on a them of Catholic citizenship and detail the contributions made by the Catholic Church to America from its discovery, exploration, and development to its present greatness. Our members are challenged to be always ready to sacrifice everything for our faith and our country. The response of our Order to the needs of our country in times of war attests to the fact that are true to our commitment. From its foundation, the Fourth Degree has provided honor guards for religious and civic ceremonies. Marching in our regalia, with the flag and our country before us, we are clearly identified as individuals who are not afraid to publicly display our devotion to church and country.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


A participant takes a shot while his team-mates watch at the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge at Deicke Park on September 17, 2011

On Saturday, September 17, 2011, the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council held the annual Soccer Challenge at Deicke Park in Huntley for youth ages 10-14 years.  This event was free to all participants and allows them to demonstrate their soccer goal kicking skills.  It was held on “picture day” for the Huntley Park District soccer teams and co-located next to the area where the soccer teams had pictures taken.

This event is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district and state competitions.  International champions are announced by the K of C international headquarters based in New Haven, CT, on scores from state level competitions.  All contestants on the local level were recognized for their participation.

The boy’s champions were Lucas Clemetson for the 10 year olds, Adrian Santos for the 11 year olds and Nick Starek was the champion for the 13 year olds.  For the girls, Mackenzie Kobrick was the champion for the 10 year olds while Shannow Swalve was the 11 year old champion and Dana Taylor was the champion for the 12 year old girls.

Each of these winners will compete in the district competitions to be held on October 29, 2011 at St. Margaret Mary Church in Algonquin, Illinois, at 1 PM with an eye toward moving on to the regional competition which will be held at Tomaso Sports Fields in Huntley at 9AM, Saturday, November 5, 2011.  Then the regional winners will progress to state and hopefully international levels.

Gary Horan Knight of the Month for September, 2011

Gary Horan Knight of the Month for September, 2011

At the September meeting of the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666 the trustees selected Gary Horan as Knight of the Month for September 2011, recognizing his efforts as chairman of the annual Knights Golf Outing.  

The 2011 Golf Outing was held August 27th at Crystal Woods Golf Course and included a hole-in-one contest and other prizes for the participants.  This year proceeds from event will benefit vocations, Knights of Columbus charities, and a St. Mary family in need.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Clergy Appreciation Dinner - Friday, October 21, 6:00 PM

Friday, October 21 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Prairie Lodge, Drendel Hall
12880 Del Webb Blvd
Huntley, Illinois

Created By

More Info
The Knights of Columbus are hosting an appreciation dinner, with cocktails at 6:00 PM. All Adults from the Parish are welcome. The honorees are Catholic priests and deacons from St. Mary in Huntley, St. Margaret Mary in Algonquin, St. Catherine of Siena in Dundee, St. Monica in Carpentersville, St. Mary, St. Joseph, and St. Lawrence in Elgin, and St. Charles Borromeo in Hampshire.

This year's special guest will be Bishop Thomas Doran who is retiring this year.

Tickets are $30.00 each and include a buffet style dinner. Limited amount of seating available! Get tickets early.

For more information, please contact Dan Quirk at (224-489-7055), or email him at dquirkkc@gmail.com.

You may stop by the parish office Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, to purchase and pick up your ticket.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Eagle Scout Matthew J. Heiden honored by St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council

Eagle Scout Matthew J. Heiden with St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council Grand Knight Bill Byrne after being honored by the Knights of Columbus for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, Scouting’s highest rank.

On July 2, 2011, an Eagle Scout Court of Honor was held to award Matthew J. Heiden the rank of Eagle Scout rank, the highest advancement rank in Scouting. To earn this coveted rank, a Boy Scout must fulfill requirements in the areas of leadership, service, and outdoor skills. As Matt proceed through Star and Life Scout Ranks and on to Eagle, he earned 23 merit badges, camped 71 nights, hiked 43 miles and had a total of 105 service hours.  He also progressed through leadership positions in the troop from Assistant Patrol Leader in 2004-2005 to Troop Guide in 2010-2011.

After achieving the rank of First Class Scout, the rank of Star, Life and Eagle require merit badges to be earned and a project be completed for each rank.  For the Star Scout Project,  Matt organized a collection drive for the Grafton Food Pantry.  Matt made six re-useable signs for his troop to use in announcing the troop Pancake Breakfast’s held each year where only the date has to be changed each year as his Life Scout Project. 
The Eagle Scout Project consisted of building a compost bin for the garden at Chesak Elelmantary School.  The compost bin will be used by the elementary school in the science curriculum when teaching composting and recycling.  In addition, the compost bin will be used by elementary school students when planting for learning purposes and the Scouts for Merit Badge work.  Apple trees were planted on each side of the bin.  Also, as part of this project, a 1-foot square worm compost bin was built for the Chesak Elementary School teachers to use as a teaching aid when covering the topic of decomposition.  

Matt has joined an elite group of Americans, including US Presidents, Astronauts, Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, Senators, Supreme Court Justices, and high ranking Military Leaders.  Statistically, out of a group of one hundred Scouts, four will reach Eagle rank.  At least one will later say that he valued his Eagle above his college degree. Many will find their future vocation through merit badge work and Scouting contacts. Seventeen of the one hundred boys will later become Scout leaders and will give leadership to thousands of additional boys.