Friday, February 10, 2012

Sir Knight Lou Schutt Knight of the Month—December 2011

Sir Knight Lou Schutt 

At the December meeting of the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666, the trustees selected Sir Knight Lou Schutt as Knight of the Month for December 2011, recognizing his contribution of time to the quarterly blood drives sponsored by the council.

Lou can be found at the sign up table in the narthex of St. Mary’s Catholic Church after the Sunday Masses, assisting parishioners as they sign up to become blood donors at the quarterly blood drives sponsored by the St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus.  Lou cheerfully donates his time eight weekends each year to help parishioners sign-up as donors.  Lou also can be found at each of the drives, greeting donors as they arrive at the blood drive and assisting them to complete the necessary paperwork prior to donating.

In 2011 a record 396 pints of blood were donated by generous parishioners and Huntley residents.  The St. Mary of Huntley Knights of Columbus Council #11666 sponsors a blood drive each quarter in cooperation with Heartland Blood Centers

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